Meet Tom Kundig
“I often work with elemental materials such as steel, concrete, wood and glass in their raw states,” says Tom Kundig, Principal / Owner / Founder of bi-coastal US design firm, Olson Kundig.
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“I got connected to Teulo when one of our clients was invited to speak at a Teulo event last year. That talk was so well-received."
Darren’s unique outlook as an academic, architect and urban designer stems back to his graduate thesis at Harvard in the mid 1990s when he coined the term amenity infrastructure.
"When you work with start-ups and early-stage businesses, it’s a bit like the world is your oyster. You’re not inheriting a bunch of historical challenges or out-dated systems that don’t make sense".
“In true collaboration, there’s this back and forth which lets the work stand alone uniquely a bit
more,” says Founding Partner of LA’s AUX Architecture, Brian Wickersham.
“Virtually anything you do can be done better,” says Kevin Daly, Founder and Principal of Kevin Daly Architects (kdA) in Los Angeles.
“Building envelopes should be designed to serve the needs of both the building inhabitants and the local community.”
“I’m sometimes frustrated by the physical limitations of buildings,” says Cip Fācāeru, Co-Founder of Bucharest’s Augmented Space Agency.
“I am a man full of dreams and uncertainties,” says Gerardo Galicia, CEO andArchitectural Designer at Mexico City’s ACCIDENTAL Estudio de Arquitectura.
“A hero of mine when I was younger was the Greek mathematician, architect and engineer Archimedes. One of his famous, apocryphal quotes was: ‘Give me a lever and a place to stand and I can move the world.’
“I was living in Hong Kong when we bought the business in 2019,” says Powder Coating Director, Stuart Wilson. “It was a successful business already, however, we recognised the potential to grow it.
“The potential of cross-laminated timber is much wider than just reducing the ecological footprint of buildings,” says studiosma Director and Founder, Stephan Markus Albrecht.
“We’re a young company in quite an old industry,” says Benjy Simmons of Stärke Windows & Doors, “and we’re really coming of age now.”