What is Regenerative Design?

in the built environment

What does it mean?

Regenerative design considers what works best for nature first and then how development can take place – while supporting and enhancing local ecology and biodiversity. It’s all about thinking ahead! Architects need to design with the future in mind every step of the way, and buildings are designed and operated to reverse damage and have a positive impact on the environment.

One of our exceptional guests, Elizabeth McNaughton will tell you,  “Her career has quite literally been a series of disasters.” She has worked in disaster recovery efforts around the world and has made it her mission to learn all she can about resilience and recovery so that she can bring that knowledge to help ‘build forward better’ after disaster and disruption. 

Ben Preston will be bringing his wealth of knowledge to the table as an established design consultant specialising in regenerative processes. With years of experience as an engineer working in the sustainable development of communities and the built environment, he utilises design research to explore the patterns that bring vitality to communities and ecosystems, and regenerative design to establish ways of revitalising those patterns.

With more and more emphasis being put on sustainability in the development of infrastructure, this event is set to be enlightening and inspiring!

Check out their Teulo Pod here

Janelle Fenwick
Janelle Fenwick