Passive House

Part One

We delve into all things Passive House with Murray Durbin from Enveloped NZ and Richard Hollard from Pro Clima NZ Ltd.

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CPD Points

2.00 Australian QLD - NSW - VIC - TAS - WA Points 2.00 Australian CPD ACT-SA-NT Points 2.00 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 2 + 3 Points 2.00 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 1 Points 20.00 NZ Registered Architects Board Points

Presented By

Teulo Ed

Event Description

10.15am - 11.15am

Murray Durbin

Enveloped NZ

"Murray will introduce what is a Certified Passive House including it's history overseas and in NZ, how it differs from Passive Solar, the four certification tiers, a closer look at insulation and window joinery, and some local case studies. He will also run through the products and services Enveloped can offer for high performance building projects like Certified Passive Houses."

11.15am - 12.15pm

Richard Hollard

Pro Clima NZ Ltd

'The recipe for great indoor air quality'.

I will be looking at the synergistic relationship between airtightness and ventilation to improve the indoor air quality and thermal performance of the home.

I will also be discussing the various types of ventilation systems available, what type you would typically see in a passive house, and why, and what materials are best to use for the building envelope airtightness layer.

Teulo Ed Passive House: Part One image

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