Regenerative Design

Part One

What is regenerative design? Find out more.

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CPD Points

2.00 RIBA - The Royal Institute of British Architects Points 2.00 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 2 + 3 Points 2.00 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 1 Points 3.00 Australian CPD ACT-SA-NT Points 3.00 Australian QLD - NSW - TAS - WA Points 20.00 NZRAB Points

Presented By

Teulo Talks and DK

Event Description

Architects and engineers globally have committed to taking action to address the on-going climate and biodiversity emergency, declaring regenerative design – design that enables life to thrive – as key to that response.

Come join us for an online event introducing you to approaches to regenerative design that you can put into practice right now to restore communities, ecosystems and the fabric of life itself.

In this session, you'll hear from the following amazing presenters:

  • Caroline Pidcock
  • Ben Preston
  • Amanda Sturgeon
  • Pooran Desai
  • Bill Reed

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Learning outcomes and AACA competencies:

  • 4. Design: Schematic Design 
  • 4.2 Evaluation of design options against values of physical , environmental and cultural contexts. 
  • 4.3 Application of creative  imagination aesthetic judgement to produce  coherent design 
  • 4.6 Investigation and integration of appropriate material selection for the project design. 
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