
Part Two

Creating architecture from architecture, taking advantage of the life a space has already lived brings a new energy, perspective and material element to any undertaking.

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CPD Points

2.00 RIBA - The Royal Institute of British Architects Points 2.00 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 2 + 3 Points 2.00 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 1 Points 2.00 AIA - USA Points 2.00 Australian CPD ACT-SA-NT Points 2.00 Australian QLD - NSW - TAS - WA Points 20.00 NZRAB Points

Presented By

Teulo Talks

Event Description

By adapting, reusing and rebuilding, we minimise carbon emissions, reduce material wastage and preserve history by engineering a platform for buildings to tell their story amongst what is often radical urban change.

Taller Estilo Arquitectura 

Presenters: Victor Cruz, Luis Estrada and Atahualpa Hernández


Taller Estilo Arquitectura is a study of architecture founded in the city of Mérida in 2004, made up of a group of architects united by a common philosophy: "create spaces" for the man of the century XXI, either totally new or the result of recycling of existing structures. We believe in Architecture as art and as science to create habitable spaces and not monuments, in a Latin American context, we work with the resources economic and materials typical of the region, not for fashion or idiom, but for convenience and conviction.

We believe that "All materials" have their own expression and it is architect's work to get the best out of them and expose it as an essential part of the work. We create an architecture that provokes emotion, not that causes a sensation and when living it, we seek that the user experience an architecture with the 5 senses and not only

with the view.

Talk Topic: 

The team at Taller Estilo Arquitectura will discuss architecture in Mexico in a historical context and everything about the Yucatan Peninsula.  

12.30pm - 1.30pm 

Cory Buckner 

Cory Buckner Architect 

Talk topic: 

Designing for California Wildfires. Having just finished a fire rebuild for the second time on the same property, this is a subject fresh on my mind. It should also be relevant to New Zealand and Australian architecture given the recent fires there. 

Learning objectives and AACA competencies:

Design: Conceptual Design 

3.2 Application of creative imagination, aesthetic judgement ans critical evaluation in formulating design options. 

Design: Schematic Design 

4.1  Evaluation of design options in relation to project requirements 

Documentation: Detailed Design 

5.1 Application of creative imagination and aesthetic judgement in producing a resolved project design

Teulo Talks: Reconstruction: Part Two image

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