Marketing at Dulux

with Shontelle Crosswell

In this CPD podcast we speak to Shontelle Crosswell, Head of Marketing from Dulux NZ about the various products and brands she manages.

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Event Description

In this CPD podcast we speak to Shontelle Crosswell, Head of Marketing from Dulux NZ about the various products and brands she manages.

Questions we uncover:

  • Could you provide more detail on the different types of products within the Dulux range and their specific applications?
  • How does Dulux assist specifiers with colour matching and colour render services?
  • Could you explain further how Dulux is working towards a more sustainable product range, particularly with initiatives like Enviro2, Ultra Air, and the EnviroSolutions Range?
  • I'd also like to hear more about your packaging recycling scheme and how it operates.
  • Can you talk us through some of the different types of products in your range?
  • What are some of the unique considerations that specifiers need to take into account with regard
  • to paint and coatings for New Zealand’s climate and conditions?
  • How is Dulux working to create the most sustainable product range possible?
  • Can you tell us about your packaging recycling scheme?
  • Are there any project case studies you’d like to share with the Teulo audience?
  • Dulux supports a number of community-based partnerships. Can you tell us who you’re
  • collaborating with and what you’re working on together?
  • What’s next for you and Dulux?
  • Any calls to action? How can people learn more and connect with your work?

Teulo Pods: Shontelle Crosswell, Marketing NZ image

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