The Circular Economy Part Two

We delve deep with Daniel Gudsell (Director of Abodo Wood Ltd) and Victoria University of Wellington PhD Candidate Ged Finch around The Circular Economy.

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CPD Points

1.00 RIBA - The Royal Institute of British Architects Points 2.00 AIA - USA Points 0.50 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 2 + 3 Points 0.50 Licensed Building Practitioner - Design 1 Points 1.50 Australian QLD - NSW - TAS - WA Points 0.50 CPD Standards Global Points 1.50 Australian CPD ACT-SA-NT Points 10.00 NZRAB Points

Presented By

Janelle Fenwick

Event Description

In this podcast Daniel Gudsell (Director of Abodo Wood Ltd) and Victoria University of Wellington PhD Candidate Ged Finch discuss the latest innovations in Circular Economy building technology and building products happening right here in New Zealand.

Daniel shares his deep knowledge of the timber sector, the challenges of successfully commercializing high-performance sustainable building technologies and his companies contributions to moving the construction sector towards circularity. Ged discusses the strict technical requirements of the circular economy on building design, construction and specification and shares key innovations that have been made in this area.

This is part of a two part podcast series.

Key Points Covered:

- Architectural guidelines for Circular Economy design.

- Carbon, Embodied Energy, and the Circular Economy.

- International examples of Circular Economy building design.

- Challenges in achieving complete circularity.

- The role of timber in Circular Economy buildings.  

Daniels TEDx Talk

Geds TEDx Talk

The ICE House

Ged's Published and Peer Reviewed Research

Images of X-Frame prototypes

Seminal International Research on Circularity in the Built Environment

1.5 Formal Australian CPD points awarded when listened in conjunction with: The Circular Economy Part 1 and Construction Waste podcasts and quiz is completed.


  1. Design: Conceptual Design 

3.2 Application of creative imagination, aesthetic judgement ans critical evaluation in formulating design options. 

  1. Design: Schematic Design 

4.1  Evaluation of design options in relation to project requirements 

  1. Documentation: Detailed Design 

5.1 Application of creative imagination and aesthetic judgement in producing a resolved project design 

RIBA approved CPD activity

Core curriculum subjects

Sustainable architecture

Knowledge level

General Awareness

The Circular Economy Part Two image

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