Creating exceptional retail environments, worldwide.

We talk to Christian Lahoude

Founder and Creative Director of Christian Lahoude Studio in New York.

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CPD Points

5.00 NZRAB Points

Presented By

Teulo Pods and DK

Event Description

Christian Lahoude is Founder and Creative Director of Christian Lahoude Studio in New York and has 10+ years of architectural and design experience with a focus on international retail environments including roles as Design Director for Tiffany & Co and Lead Architectural Designer for Gucci.  He holds a Masters of Design Studies from Harvard.

Christian Lahoude Studio specialises in exceptional retail experiences by translating high-end brand identities into their architectural spaces. Christian tells us about how you customise a retail environment to reflect the ethos of its brand and what drew him to this kind of design. He discusses his passion for exceptional retail environments. The discussion delves into the localisation of a retail store as he has created interior designs for stores in New York, Beirut, Paris and Rome and how that affects the way he designs. 

Christian talks about his design process and the technical aspect along with the documentation side of his work. He takes quite a unique approach to this and talks about the philosophical and storytelling approach to his design. The documentation side of things comes into play when he is trying to translate western elements into eastern architecture projects. This can be quite challenging. Collaboration and ensuring you have a good team around you is paramount to project management and the success of a project. Christian tells us about any past partnerships and collaborative projects which have been particularly successful.

ADNZ CPD Points: 0.5 (practice management)

NZRAB CPD Points: 5 (project management)

Creating exceptional retail environments, worldwide. image

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