It’s time to bridge the gap between architects and suppliers, take our CPD learning online and evolve as an industry.
It’s time to bridge the gap between architects and suppliers, take our CPD learning online and evolve as an industry.
If you’re an architect, designer or construction industry professional who wants to share, grow and challenge the status quo around CPD / CEU points and accreditation, you’re in the right place.
Teulo is your complete accredited content solution for inspirational events, industry collaborations, easy content management, and a world of inspiration at your fingertips.
Teulo is really proud to offer NZ Registered Architects Board (NZRAB) and LBP (Licensed Building Practitioner) accredited content here on and through our live events. We are also a partner of the AIBC, Architects Institute of British Columbia, American Institute of Architects (AIA USA) and AACA, Architects Accreditation Council of Australia Standards, and registered as a resource under the two compulsory competencies with ARB, Architectural Registration Board, UK.
NZRAB is responsible for the CPD policy, including points available for undertaking specific CPD activity. The determination of how many points are allocated to an activity is undertaken by an independent subject matter expert in accordance with the NZRAB CPD policy.
Through these partnerships, Teulo’s online content is accredited for a potential audience of over 749,100 engaged architects and designers, worldwide.
Here, suppliers can create and list webinars, podcasts and presentations without breaking the bank and reach thousands of industry professionals in one consolidated hub; while industry professionals can select and earn CPD points from the comfort of their home or office.
In short, everybody wins.
It’s a first-of-its-kind platform for both aspiring and inspiring thought-leaders from each CPD-accredited industry to connect, learn and share their stories.
In our first 18 months, we:
In March of 2022 we officially launched Teulo Pro, your single source of accredited content. With Teulo Pro, you can earn CPD/CEU points from the comfort of your couch with more than 500 hours of accredited webinars and 70 accredited podcasts from some of the best architects and designers in the world.
You can also manage ALL of your CPD/CEU points - from Teulo or elsewhere - in your personalised management dashboard.
With more than 12 years in the industry, the Teulo team is passionate about design, education and connection. We’ve built a platform for our evolving world which brings together future-focused professionals from each CPD-accredited industry so they can share their amazing stories.
It’s human connection in a digital world.
The Teulo Crew
Jay, Lily, Greg, Lewis, Chad and DK